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Tips And Tricks To Stay Healthy This Holiday Season


Once again, the holidays are nearly upon us. It’s time for family, friends, indulgence, and often, overindulgence. It’s easy to get carried away during the five-to-six-week period from Thanksgiving to New Years, but you don’t need to hold back on the fun to keep in good shape while closing out this year. Here are some easy tips and tricks to remember this holiday season to keep healthy without being a scrooge.

FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS Although food is an essential part of the holiday season, put the focus on family and friends, laughter, and cheer. Getting together with your family and friends can be a time to be active and healthy, on top of all the feasts.


The holidays are a perfect time to try new things with those you love. It can also be a good time to start some new healthy habits. Try a new vegetable you’ve never had, and if you are at a family gathering, suggest going for a walk or throw around a football in the back yard between dinner and dessert to burn off some of those calories.


Drinks with alcohol will contain more calories, as a general rule. Just a few extra drinks here and there over the course of the holiday season will add up. While wine, beer, and mixed drinks may range from 150-225 calories, a glass of eggnog will put you back around 500 calories.


Make sure not to forego your normal level of exercise or your intake of healthy nutrients and colorful fruits and vegetables before filling it with additional holiday treats. Adding more healthy foods to your meal will bolster your immune system and it might reduce the chance that the scent of apple pie and cookies will tempt you to gobble treats you don’t need.


Unfortunately, the holiday season aligns with flu season during a time when people travel more and spend more time together. The flu shot is your best defense against getting sick while you’re with your loved ones this year. You can get your flu shot this year at any of Pemiscot Memorial’s clinics in Hayti, Caruthersville, Kennett, or Steele.


For many people, the holiday season means traveling. Being safe while on the road goes beyond safe driving – traveling long distances can lead to many unhealthy habits. By bringing water, healthy snacks, and things like supplements and hand sanitizer to combat the germs you may encounter while traveling, you can reduce your overall health risks.


Getting the rest your body needs is sometimes easier said than done with parties and family in town but sticking to your normal sleep schedule will improve your sleep, your health, and your mood during what is a stressful time for many people. Poor sleep patterns can also lead to fatigue, poor eating habits, and daytime sleepiness which may take time to fix. Make sure your energy isn’t drained by Dec. 31st so you can bounce back from the holidays with grace.

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